AWS AutoML model generation with scheduled retraining via AWS Cloudwatch and Lambda

3 minute read

Explanation for parts of this project has been broken down into youtube videos here:

  • Autopilot Walkthrough (pt1), (pt2)
  • Lambda function & Cloudwatch setup (pt3)
  • Evaluating new training model with batch transform job (pt4)

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AutoML (Autopilot)

Autopilot helps create classification and regression models without explicitly and defining feature types. Autopilot comes up with several “candidates pipelines”, which consist of a data preprocessing step (with train-test split) and an inference model. After, hyperparameter optimization is run on each pipeline (>200 training job) aimed at minimizing the objective function (in this case validation rmse). For this case, I used the BACE dataset to predict drug pIC50, a quantiative metric of drug inhibition on the enzyme Bace1 enzyme (link).

In the video, I demonstrate how to use Autopilot using the AWS Sagemaker Studio, but the functionality can also be access via the low-level boto3 API here, and allows you to specify other parameters (such as objective function, max number of candidates, max training job time).

Configuration notes for inputting data into autopilot

The data file needs to be a csv in s3. The csv file needs to have a header with column names, which you will use to specify the target column. Missing values are handled via various imputation methods in the preprocessing step.

Autopilot experiment output in Sagemaker Studio

When the Autopilot experiment has concluded, the preprocessing (transform) job, training jobs, and hyperparameter tuning can be view inside jupyter notebook. image In addition, there are 2 attached notebooks: 1) data exploration notebook (descriptive statistics on each feature) and 2) candidate generation notebook. The candidate generation notebook gives you complete code to rerun the entire analysis, and gives you insight into all the configurations used at each step, including details on each candidate pipeline. For example, you can see the methods used for imputating missing data, scaling features, and model use for training. These all have links to the source code.

Autopilot pipeline setup and deployment

At the end of Autopilot, you will have a best training job from the hyperparameter tuning. This training job needs to not only be converted into a Sagemaker model, but also needs to be linked to the preprocessing/batch transform job that it accepted data from. This can be done in the candidate generation notebook, which has code cells for creating a data pipeline, which essentially links the preprocessing job + training job. This can also be done in the Sagemaker console (Create a model with 2 containers), but make sure you transfer all the environment variables from each job, and also add env variables recommmended in the candidate generation notebook. For example, my models needed the filetypes to be specified for the “transformer” (data preprocessing step) and estimator (xgboost model): image

Setting up Cloudwatch and Lambda

image AWS Lambda functions let you run serverless applications with automatic scaling when triggered. These functions can also be triggered by a wide array of events. For example, you can add an HTTP API to directly trigger lambda functions. Here, I’ve used Cloudwatch to trigger the lambda function on a scheduled basis for serverless, automated model training.

Lambda function for model retraining

The lambda function code can be found in (python 3.6). The function can be understood in 2 steps:

1) Rerun the preprocessing on the new data and save to s3 bucket In the first step, call the describe_transform_job function to load the transform job artifacts and configs. Update it with new data input/output locations. And, inintiate a new transform job.

2) Execute training job on new (or full dataset)

In the second step, call the describe_training_job to load previous model artifacts and configs. Update it with new configs (new data locations, new instance types, and spot training (if desired)). Start this as well.

(Optional) Using Lambda layers to provide python modules

This lambda function can be run without installing new libraries. But, if the module you need is not installed (for example, the sagemaker library doesn’t come installed), you can easily supply the modules. The file structure of the supplied zip file is critical. The pip-3.x version for installation is critical. These resources are helpful:

Evaluating model from new training job using Batch Transform

See the batch_transform_job.ipynb. Create the model from the training job. Then, create batch transform job.

Helpful resources