Continuous delivery using Google App Engine

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In continuous delivery, code changes in the underlying pipeline can immediately trigger changes and updates to a running application. Google app engine was used to build and deploy a web app. After, I tested the ability to make changes to the app file ( and have these updates trigger and redeploy an updated web app. The purpose of the web application is to allow users to input a symptom for a condition or disease they are interested in, and the application will give a diagnosis and return a list of possible causes.

Google’s App Engine was used to build and deploy a web application using the key files: : primary Flask application
-app.yaml : specifies the python runtime
-requirements.txt : additional packages that need to be installed
-cleaned.csv : contains symptoms and diagnosis data. This was pulled from kaggle. (link)
-cloudbuild.yaml : builds the application

To see a demo of this web app, view the demo mp4 video.(link)
search diagnosis gcp_trigger